The Bulletin from Bend, Oregon (2025)

JUNE 16, 1947 CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Rates LOCAL PAID IN ADVANCE 25 Words- Time 40c 35 Words- Three Times $1.00 25 Words- Six Times $1.75 All words over add le per word times number of insertions One month run, same copy, day rate Minimum charge, Line rate 10e Capitals Reader ads 10e line, minimum Display Advertising--Closing time 6 previous day. One hall page or larger, day previous to publication. For Sale Real Estate EAST STH STREET, two bedroom modern home. Jhone 905-M. NEW MODERN HOME in Redmond: 3 bedrooms, large living room and kitchen with lots of built ins, utility room.

Equipped with butane gas range hot WIL ter heater, wood enculator. 213 11th Redmond. SUBURBAN PROPERTY. Imme. diate possession, modern, clean, comfortable, 3 bedroom home.

Good built-ins, new linoleum. acres. Equipped for chickens. $5600. NEW.

COZY, semi modern, room cottage. 3 acres. Terms. Furniture it desired. Ed Losch, Phone 488-W.

Rt. 1, Box 156, sixth house East of Carroll Acres store. ONLY $1900 DOWN buys a home in the country with six room house, 10 acres, lovely irrigated land, barn and large chicken house, 40 chickens and 1 cow gO with place. Balance $3000 payabie at $40.00 month including interest at Call Mr. Ballew, All State Realty, 221 Greenwood.

Phone 1293-W. WELL LOCATED 5 room modern plastered home on paved street. This home has oil furnace and fireplace for $5,000. For ap: pointment call Mr. Ballew.

All State Realty, 221 Greenwood. Phone 1293-W. VACANT 3 room semi- modern house on two lots, bathroom in. no fixtures. Only $2750 with $250 down.

Balance easy. Call Mr. Ballew, All State Realty, 221 Green wood. Phone 1293-W. FOUR UNIT furnished auto court, 6 room modern house.

Enough lumber, electrical supplies, ete, for two additional cabIns. On acres. City water, highway frontage. Three Sisters Cabin Court. So.

Highway 97. BY OWNER: 2-bedroom modern plastered home, 2 lots, fenced lawn and garden, chicken house, woodshed, garage, a nice rock cellar. See at 1344 Jacksonville. FOR SALE by owner: 2-bedroom remi-modern house, fruit room, garage. Floyd McLean, 1422 Ithaca.

SALE 5-ROOM MODERN home, Cape Cod style, built in $42. Hardwood floors, fireplace, oil automatic furnace, knotty pine interior finIsh, wired for electric range, ter heater. Lovely fenced yard, shrubs, on paved street and bus line. Phone 46-R, 225 Scott. 20 ACRES, all in cultivation, crop in, 6-room all modern house, new barn, 10 stanchions.

9 miles out old Redmond highway, watch sign. Phone 1503-W3. LIST YOUR PROPERTY GILBERT'S REAL ESTATE. Homes, businesses, farms, sold promptly and efficiently. Gilbert has served Bend since 1915.


FIVE COMPE TENT SALESMEN TO HELP YOU. ONE OF THE MOST beautiful homes on East 8th St. Home structed of 6-inch squared logs. Four lots. Nicely landscaped.

Must be seen to be appreciated. Price $8750. Call Mr. Locklin, DAVIS LARSON AGENCY, 124 Oregon phone 32. FOR SALE by owner: 5-room modern shingled cottage, $2800.

1229 Newport. HOME INCOME for auto chanic, $6000. Ready to go. cash, balance easy terms to tend 5-year-period. Write 293, Bend Bulletin.

$500 WILL HANDLE attractive 2-bedroom home, Inlaid linoleum, fir floors, lawn, garage, on paved street. Immediate possession. McKay before 6 p.m. 80 ACRES, 31 shares Swalley, small unfinished house and 6 miles from town, $2950. tral Oregon Real Estate 1039 Wall, phone 1327-W.

WE HAVE TWO good auto courts for sale. Complete information interested parties. Central. gon Real Estate Ins. Wall, phone 1327-W.

$3350 2-bedroom modern on West good foundation, new paint on outside, garage woodshed. Central Oregon Estate Ins. 1039 phone 1327-W. BY OWNER, 2-bedroom modern home, interior newly redecorated, utility room, on two corner West side. Phone 676-RX.

FARMS RANCHES. A good selection of Central gon's better farms ranches available. Now is the time to on that Stop in and let show you these farms. All Realty, 221 Greenwood, 1293-W. 4 NICE LOTS on East side good location.

Priced to sell. E. Marshall. THE BEND BULLETIN, For Sale Miscellaneous For Sale Used Cars mond highway. Phone 1506 W1.

new tires. at. 1, box 76, Carroll on new engine, For Sale Real Estate FANTON'S GARDEN: acres. Oregon HOME SEEKERS, two bedroom giant pansies, asters, 1942 PLYMOUTH sedan, H. modern home, completely fur.

ons, African daisies, zinnias, 41 Plymouth sedan, 1 de H. nished, recently redecorated In- marigolds, cosmos, lobelia, dep- '44 2-uoor, H. side and out. $2500 will handle, phimums, carnations, sweet Wil- '36 Terrapiane sedan. Balance easy.

Total price $4500. hams, Iceland poppies, painted '36 Chevrmet coupe. Call Bob Mayer, All State Realty daisies, Shasta daisies, perennial '32 Miymouth sedan. 221 Greenwood. Phone phiox, geums, tomatoes, cauli- Model A Pickup.

1293-W. flower, peppers, eggplants. 829 '56 36 Chevrolet truck. Ogden. Indiana truck.

VACANT 4 ROOM modern house, '40 1-ton Mack pick-up. bedrooms, located at 1325 SPECIAL at Miller's Nude Furni- house tratiers. Davenport. Excellent buy for a ture, furniture made to or Waiker-Linse Car Lot. family of four, Price $3900.

Call der. Window and screen doors. Bob Mayer, All State Realty, 221 Chest $15.50, medium $14.50. 1941 FORD truck and Greenwood. Phone 1293-W.

Desks $18.50 $25.00. Wardrobe trailer equipped with Mercury $22.00, immediate delivery. Open motor, 2-apeed Brownie Eaton, 2 BUY A HOME FROM GILBERT: evenings. 440 East Emerson, 2 speed rear axle, power brakes on The home you're looking is blocks east of Freeman's Tackle. trader.

Bunks and blocks and listed at Glibert's Real Estate reaay to log. Can be seen at HalInsurance, 1015 Wall St. WE 1 USED WOOD range with coils brook Motors. HAVE THE LISTINGS. and porcelain tinish.

1 30-gal. galvanized tank, 1 wood and coal 1941 CHEVROLET 4x4 CABIN CAMP in Itedmond: 4- circulator used 3 months. 1 boy's G.I. Wal sell or traue tor pasdwelling, 10 va- bicycle, All are in good condition. senger car.

Phone 676-RX. cancies. Large yard in graSS, Phone 309-J or call at 521 Harri shade trees, nice garden, city man after 6:00 p.m. For Rent ter. Year around Income.

Room for trailer camp, one acre of CLETRAC TRACTOR, good con- 5 ROOMS, bath, 310 South Third, ground, other buildings. G. E. dition, plow and harrow go with furnisnea, $25 per montn. A.

Lee, Longnecker, Mountain View Cab- tractor for $700..00 See at Oim- 46 Franklin. ins, Redmond. stead's Garage, Sisters. ROOMS or room and board at 58 HAVE BUYERS for 1, 2 or 3-bed- USED 5 PC. Dinette set $14.50.

Greeley. Twin beds. Parking 3 room homes. List your property New 5 pc. chrome dinette sets space available.

with Davis Larsen for quick turnover. 124 Oregon, phone 32. includes box coil and VERY LARGE sleeping room, $49.50. 7 pe. new bedroom suite, spring inner mattress, $173.50.

New will accommodate two, very Fuel spring roll away beds complete with large clothes closet, vacant the JACK PINE jack pine slabs, mattress $24.50. Used davenport lot. 640 Congress. 16" also railroad ties. Also and chair $29.50.

Used kitchen BEE HIVE SYSTEM wood sawing wanted. R. Car- range $19.50. New daveno and Trucks after penter, 1324 Albany, phone, 853-J chair $129.50. New full size Hol- where, no restrictions.

New 1946 to drive yourself any. 5 p.m. lywood beds Steel beds 30 complete with mat- ing. Dodge Court van for House good Service clean haul- Inches wide PINE BODY WOOD, desired, reasonable ttress $10.00. Open evenings.

Easy length prompt terms. Brown Supply Lake corner wall and Bond. Phone 458 delivery, any Phone 825, J. Rotz Wood or 755-W. prices, Division St.

Phone 1156. Yard, Sisters, Ore. NEW CLARK HEAVY DUTY SAWDUST BOXWOOD for CLEAN WITH REXAIR, the SANDER, EDGER POLISHER sale, special summer rates. Call combination, vacuum cleaner. RATES.

SINGLE EASY OR OPERATE. air conditioner, hu- COMBINATION 869-J. Works through Phone 594 10 BUY YOUR FUEL now, summer for demonstration, immediate de- 125 OREGON PHONE 21. water. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS rate.

Prompt delivery city or livery possible. on body, limbs, Utah FOR RENT -Finishing new modlump stoker coals. Brookings FULLER BRUSH Bristle- ern 4-room basement, paved country Wood Yard, phone 767. comb hair brushes are available street. Lease if desired.

Possesin adult, pocket, and baby sizes. sion June 16. 2408 N. First For Sale Miscellaneous For a full line of personal and send, Ore. FOR SALE OR TRADE saddle household brushes, Wheadon, mops, 1714 WELL FURNISHED sleeping horse, colts, kids' pontes.

If phone 594, Lloyd room, suitable for one or two haven't the horse you want Steidl, Bend. people, close to business district. I'll bet I can tell you where to get SINGER VACUUM Phone 1075-R. cleaners are It. 1940 Ford ton truck, new motor, new 14 ft.

flat bed, 2 speed here, no waiting. Most powerful 4-ROOM COTTAGE, not modern. Eaton rear end. 3 speed Brownie, motor driven brush cleaner ever On 97 South. Time Service Statruck for heavy work.

New made. See them at Singer Sewing tion. sleeping trailer 16 in. tires. Mat- Center, cor.

State and Tumalo. 2-ROOM aparttress, lights. New 4 wheel trailer. VENETIAN BLINDS made to ment. No children or pets.

435 FURNISHED New 20 in. rubber, 8 row potato duster Stratton measure. Free estimates instal- East Clay. 3 of Briggs 3 in. 1934 mo- I lation.

For the highest quality tor, joints pipe. venetian blinds at the lowest SLEEPING ROOM in modern Plymouth sedan recently over- prices, call Cascade Venetian home, close in. Also have garage. hauled. 16 in.

tires, will trade for Blind 1367-R, P.O. Box 936. 640 Congress. 2334 anything. North Gay, Auctioneer, Cleaning and re-newing.

Walt 1st. Wanted REBUILT RADIOS SPECIAL ROUND BOTTOM boat for sale. FOR $9.95, AC radio 20 HEAD of dairy cows, 132 Colorado. your console also milking machine. L.

V. or phonograph combination will Shreve, Rt. Box 432. Phone FUMED OAK dining with four be completely overhauled as fol 11-F-22. or six matching red leather seat lows: Up to three tubes replaced chairs.

'a money saving value. if densers, needed, also resistors, transformer coils, con- if WANTED USED FURNITURE. Small maple buffet; several part or power We pay the prices, one enamel kitchen ranges from $9.00 required, plus small items as piece or a housefull. Brown Good coll springs $8.00. ting record changer mechanism, ply Phone Division St.

Motal army cots; day beds; sani- replacing dial lights, dial cords, 1156. tary Several cots; good heating stoves, just ing as scratches, loose veneer, etc GOOD CLEAN city and suburban 4 beds with springs. knobs, also minor cabinet what need that work factory time guarantee on the homes, 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms modshop, $4.00 each. Library diner completed job. 24-hour service on ern.

Cash buyers waiting Call for this for, table; small, kerosene 2-burner most radios. Sets picked up and better type property. Mr. cookstove; kerosene circulator $1 extra. Only graduate Shaver, All State Realty, 221 $12.50.

Birdcage with stand $5.00. technicians will work on your ra- Greenwood. Phone 1293-W. for Pint, quarts, and half gallon fruit We reserve the right to re. WANTED SEWING for children.

jars, 25c a box. Good Remington fuse radios doctored novices. Also will care for children eveAT Spot. 1841 North 1st, North Hi- and Sound Service, Has. nings or days.

937 E. 3rd St. or 22 pump rifle. Ciff's: Bargain Phone 1336-W, Clint's, Radio tings. Open until 9 o'clock eve- Phone 651-M.

way, nings. 2-BEDROOM unfurnished house FREE TRAILERS You buy the NINE WEANER PIGS. Hyde by July 15 by home owner. Will tires, I give you the One Keyte Ranch, Butler Mkt. take best of care of your home.

trailer. pair another set past Deschutes first road on Excellent Bend references. 1928 tires $17.50: $24.50. Come and see what you right. Awbrey, phone 1228-W.

get with them. Cliff's Bargain IN- Spot. 1841 North First, North Hi- 1942 HARLEY DAVIDSON WANTED: Good milk cows freshmo- way. tires. See ening soon, also any kind of cat15.

1345 new Bend. 14, tle you have to sell, fat or thin. torcycle, June TO FOR SALE Trailer house, 12. Hartford, card to W. R.

Franks, Redfeet long, absolutely new, from NEW "Quick Heat" oil burner mond, phone 78. Drop the Quimby. ground up, cash. 465 E. with cook $565 stove, copper hot water coils 30-gallon tank.

Price $50. YOUNG COUPLE with no chilGASOLINE ENGINE. Also See it at Brookings Woodyard. dren or pets urgently need small Fordson tractor block. Phone house unfurnished.

or apartment, furnished or 1505-J4. FIELD RUN potatoes, sort them Phone 1169-M. yourselves, $1 per hundred. John con- COVERED WAGON trailer E. Johnson, Rt.

1, west of WANTED: High school graduhouse, equipped with DC plant, Bend Airport. ates or equivalent to 2 years of and 110 hookup. May be seen on high. Enroll now. Beauticians Redmond highway, 1 block north REMINGTON 22 pump; real nice making $100 per week and over.

of Marketeria. Inquire at 820 dining table with four chairs to Medford Beauty School, 235 East Newport, phone 185-R. match; two nice buffets; dresser Main Medford, Ore. bed to match, coil HEAVY FRYERS, $1.10 each. springs; occasional rocker, SMALL HOUSE, perferably furDave Zuck, miles west of Tu- coffee tables; smoke stands; nished, for professional couple malo.

pitch forks; picks; scythe; pitch- with small dog, or will consider er pump; buck saw: gasoline lan- apartment. Phone 198-R. PICKETT GARDENS. It's plant- tern; electric irons; 2-wheel trailme- ting time for asters, snaps, the 625x16 DEAD OR WORTHLESS stock new tetra-snaps, petunias, zinnias, er; left, only $4.75 each. new Cliff's Bargain recaps picked up free of charge.

Phone two marigolds, and tomato plants in 1841 North North collect 9-F-25, Redmond. Behy The individual planting boxes. 6th Spot, First, mer Myers Rendering Plant. highway. Quimby.

Help Wanted FILL DIRT, top soil, cinders. Guernsey. Also grade Guernsey FOR ONE MONTH REGISTERED BULL, yearling L. E. Brice, 630 Quimby, phone R.

C. Harris, Redmond, take over permaor 80 phone 9-R-6 or P.O. Box 991. plete care of two 1306-J. nently, woman to comelderly people CUSTOM BUILT and union made LAWN MOWER in excellent con- in good health, husband and wife.

screen doors and window screens, dition. Price $15. Phone 1280-W. per Room, board and $100 month. painted and hung.

Phone Call 184-M if interested. finished, barn. Cen- not available, please drop card to See BOAT it 334 Lee TRAILER, Lane. a good buy. USHERETTES WANTED.

PosiIns. P.O, Box 726, Bend. at tions now, open. Apply Tower CECIL'S SUPPLY REPAIR ABOUT 300 used brick. 1000 Theater, phone 1000.

Lawn mowers sharpened; new Broadway. Lost lawn mowers, handles rollers, to grass catchers. Vigoro, sprink- McKENZIE RIVER BOAT and LOST -Black zipper billfold, conOre- lers, garden hose, nozzles, hose trailer. Ideal for river fishing. 8 tains, car title, driver's 1039 couplings.

320 So. 3rd. m.m. Revere movie camera. 33 social security card cash.

Findlicense, m.m. Argus camera and case, er please call meter and case. Phone 593 1, Box 778-J for reward. home USED LUMBER, 2x6, 2x8, ship- or light Rt. 474.

lap, center match. 1604 Galveston. 221-M evenings. BLACK WHITE Pekinese FACTORY REBUILT vacuum For Sale Used Cars Real cleaners. Same as new, with.

new Spitz male dog with black harWall, machine guarantee. Eurekas, 1941 BUICK sedanette, excellent ness. of Lost Friday, side. Reward for morning in G.E.'s, Westinghouse. Save over condition, radio, heater, 1941 spotlight.

information. Call Bob Mayer, cinity one-half at Singer Sewing Center, ard. 5-passenger 975 Taft. 1293-W. 1941 Chrysler, 4-door.

cor. State and Tumalo. off coupe. just Roosevelt, phone 1298 W. lots, "MAKE SWEEPING a pleasure!" Services MODEL A 2 door $110.00.

2 wheel Why get choked with dust while trailer, Ford 16" wheels, good LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE very cleaning your basement, store. tires, $55.00. Call after 5:30 p.m. MOVING. When you want your Ore.

room or attic when you can buy 630 E. Quimby. Phone 1306-J. household goods moved phonenow a year's supply of our sweeping Bend Storage Transfer agent bet compound for only Hun- 1935 DODGE coupe. Inquire 1037 for Bekin's Van Lines, 218 Irvus dreds of satisfied customers.

Lexington. ing Ave. Phone 444. State Daily arteed. city Phone delivery.

22-F-22, Larry guar Mus. EQUITY in 1942 FORD 6 SEPTIC TANKS Results cleaned, allow. phone grave. flatbed, 8.25 tires, 2-speed Eaton. ance is uncovered.

Wells drilled Will take '36 or '37 model car for and jack hammer work. Prompt in MOVIE CAMERA: 16 m.m. Bell equity. $600 to pay off for clear service. Prices reasonable.

Bend 725 Howell, also Craig projector title. Car must be in good shape. Septic Tank Service, phone editor. 1523 W. 4th, phone Hastings.

1184-W. Res. 526 Harmon Blvd. RED FRYERS: Liveweight. Elder EQUITY IN '39 FORD Deluxe Ranch, 7 north old Red- coupe, radio, radiator, BEND, OREGON Services VENETIAN BLINDS.

Have your blinds cleaned, repaired or renewed, quickly and expertly. Just call 1367-R, Cascade Venetian Blind P.O, Box 936. LAWN FURNITURE maue to look like new. Painting, furniture repair, refinishing done, by experts. Call 13J Kingerafts.

PAINTING, interior, exterior, plaster patching, renovating. Rea. sonable prices. Free estimates. Worth Forcher, 344.

Delaware, phone 889-J or 1427-W. BUTTONS, BUCKLES, eyelets covered. Buttonholes made. Most complete line in the state, many styles to choose from. See Joe Anderson, Singer Sewing Center, cor.

State and Tumalo. We buy old machines. VENETIAN BLINDS painting, repairs. Phone 59-W. Free estimate.

WELL DRAIN HOLE drilling. L. A. Holman, 108 Tumalo phone 199-W. SEWING MACHINES, repaired or rebuilt.

Cabinet, refinishing. repair any machine. See Joe Anderson at Singer Sew. ing Center, cor. State and Tumalo.

We buy old machines. Call Sutton-1368-J for Cleaning. WE CLEAN: windows, wall. paper, kalsomine, painted walls, woodwork, outside of buildings, venetian blinds and upholstery. We clean and wax floors with heavy equipment.

We do janitor service. Free estimates on new venetian blinds. Quick delivery. We manufacture and sell Pine Sweeping Compound. We have been in this business in Bend since 1933.

Satisfaction guaranteed. EXPERT RADIO SERVICE now available at Claypool Furniture LAWNMOWERS sharpened, cutter bar ground on sides, reel ground to fit bar, oiled adjusted. Keys made, saws filed, shears. knives. Henderson's Shop, 112 Minnesota.

WASHING MACHINE SERVICE and wringer rolls for all makes Let us check your machine no obligation. Maytag Appliance Store, next to Chamber of Commerce, phone 274. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE parts and repairs for most mak es. Electric and acetylene welding of, all metals. Bend Washer Ser vice, 633 Harmon Galveston Office 583.

residence 1295-J. REFRIGERATION- -kerosene or 110-v. 32-volt deep freeze units; Delco light plant service, sales, repairing: deep and shallow well pumps; gas diesel Rt. 1, 34, Bend. On Klamath engines, sales.

R. S. Hawthorne, Falls Bend highway. ATTENTION Cesspool and Septic tank owners. We specialize in pumping septic tanks and cleaning drains any size, any place.

Prices reasonable. Grimes Giskaas. Phone 1252-J or 1167-J. VACUUM CLEANERS, repaired or rebuilt. We repair all makes.

Most complete line of parts and attachments in Central Oregon. this your Vacuum Cleaner Headquarters. Singer Sewing Center, cor. State and Tumalo. NOTICE Culinary Workers Bartenders Local 537.

Special meeting tonight, June 16, in the Hiring Hall at 7:30 p.m. Your attendance is required. Adv. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, June 16 tP) Livestock: Cattle salable 1550: calves 350; generally asked unevenly higher; buyers resisting advance but few medium to good cows and steers 25 to 50 cents or more higher; lower grades opening steady: few medium to good grass steers 21.50 to 25.00: no strictly good to choice fed steers available early; few common to medium heifers 15.50 to 21.50; good beef cows 18.00 to 19.00; young cows held above 20.00: canner and cutters largely 11.00 to 15.00; good to choice vealers strong 22.00 to 24.00; few lightweights 25.00. Hogs salable 600: market opening 50 to 75 cents higher than Friday; good to choice 185 to 240 lbs.

27.25 to mostly 27.50; heavier and lighter weights penalized 2.00 to 2.50 or more; good sows largely 21.00 to 22.00; good to choice feeder pigs up to 26.50; one large lot held higher. Sheep salable 650; market active around 50 cents higher with extreme top on spring lambs 1.00 TRAFFIC CHARGE FACED Robert Holman. 201 Irving, has posted bail of $15 on a charge of violating the basic speed rule on East Third street. He was arrested by city police. OREGON WOMAN KILLED Kingsburg, June 16 (P) Mrs.

Mary Welch of Medford, was killed and her husband, Earl B. Welch, was seriously injured in an automobile collision near here yesterday. Water Pageant Luncheon Topic Sketching the history of Bend's water pageant which will be re peated this year for the first time since 1940. Carl A. Johnson addressed the Bend Kiwanis club at the regular noon meeting of the organization at the Pine tavern today.

A feature of the Fourth of July celebration, the pageant will be held on Bend's Mirror pond. B. A. Stover, supplemented Johnson's remarks and W. J.

Baer reported briefly on the progress of providing finances. Four thousand pageant buttons have been sold out of 7,500 made available, he said. Baer also told of the visit to the Rose festival made by the celebration queen candidates and expressed appreciation for the courtesies shown the Bend girls. Attention of the Kiwanians was called to the school election being held at the high school build- ing this afternoon, both Johnson and R. S.

Hamilton emphasizing the importance of the levy which voters will pass upon as well as the contest for member of the school board. H. C. Johnson of Salem, was introduced in the closing minutes of the meeting to explain the work of the Oregon chest, successor to the Oregon war chest. He complimented S.

Deitrick for his work in "rejuvenating the Deschutes county chest organizaand suggested that he should be continued as chairman of the chest committee in this county. William E. Miller In Stanford Class William Elwood Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.

A. Miller, 73 Tumalo avenue, was among 2041 students at Stanford university who received undergraduate and advanced degrees at the 56th annual commencement, yesterday on the California campus. The class was the largest in the history of the university. Miller received a master's degree from the school of business administration. He served in the war as an officer in the naval air force, receiving the air medal and the distinguished flying cross for meritorious achievements as a section leader during action against Japanese forces.

He was reported missing after his blow plane was forced down in a at Luzon, but later was rescued, prior to the landing of the Americans in the Philippines. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, June 16, (LP) Prices for extra large and large top grade eggs were raised 1 cent a on the Portland market dozen, reflect the steadily declining production trend of producing sections. All grades of medium and small eggs and grade packs held steady at unchanged prices. Butter prices opened the week's trading at unchanged prices. Butter Prices to retailers: Grande AA 67c; AA cartons, 68c; A prints, 63-65c; cartons 64-66c; prints, 62-63c.

Eggs Prices to retailers: AA extra large (certified), 62c; AA (certified), 57-61c; uncertilarge, dozen less; A large, 57- 58c; AA medium, 55c; A medium, 51-52c; A small, 45c dozen (cartons 2c additional). HELD IN CITY JAIL Wilbur A. Ritter, of Port- land, charged with grand larceny in Imperial county, was held in the city jail last night for officers who are taking him from Portland to California. WANTED! We Will Pay Highest Prices for Good Used Furniture Square Deal Furniture Exchange 201 Franklin Phone 324 or 1224 Bulletin Carriers Lose Ball Contest In a well-played softball game on Harmon field this morning at 10 a.m., the Oregon Journal newsdefeated The Bulletin news. boys 10 to 3.

The Bulletin car. riers had trouble hitting the speedball pitching of the Journal pitcher, Tom Ray. This is the first of a series of games between the two juvenile teams and the next game will be played on Har. mon field at 10 a. Tuesday, June 24.

Batteries for today's game: Journal, T. Ray and F. Ray; Bulletin, Gates, Moody and Wood, Benson. Umpire, Hank Nilsen. Budget Hearing Set For Tonight A public hearing on proposed city budget for the fiscal year 1947-48 will be held at 8 p.m.

this evening in the city hall. The public hearing is necessary before the budget receives final approval from the city commission and is submitted to the voters for approval of the portion of the tax levy excess of the six per cent limitation. The election on the budget is to be on June 30. Cynthia Harmon Dies At Age Of 72 Cynthia Estella Harmon, 72, a resident of Bend for 29 years, died this morning at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.

George Wilson, 1248 Davenport, with whom she made her home. Mrs. Harmon was a native of Indiana and is survived by three children, Mrs. Wilson, of Bend; Mrs. Lester McMurray, of Kent, PAGE SEVEN Ohio, and Carl Windbigler, Elkhart, Ind.

Nine grandchildren, including Cloyde Burdett, of Bend, one grand grandchild and a ter, Mrs. John Buergi, of Portland, also survive. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the Niswonger and Winslow chapel with Rev. Fred R.

Decker officiating. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery. Wildcat Strikes Idle Car Plants Detroit, June 16 (UP) A wildcat strike idled 8,510 workers in three Chrysler Corporation plants today, but the Ford Motor company resumed assembly, at its River Rouge plant to help bolster ging auto production. The unauthorized stoppage was staged by 85 workers in the material assembly department of Chrysler's main De Soto division plant. The company was forced to lay off 5,950 in its Kercheval and Jefferson plants and 1,800 on the final De Soto assembly line.

In addition, 675 press division workers staged a sympathy strike at De Soto. Dr. C. C. Poling, Minister, Dead Portland, June 16 (LP) Rev.

Dr. Charles Cupp Poling, 88, nationally known evangelical church ciergyman, died here Sunday following an extended illness. Dr. Poling was born at Sleepy Creek, W. Feb.

2, 1859-the year Oregon became a state. He preached his first sermon in Oregon at Salem in 1883. Adult males of the South American Bolas spiders are insignificant in size compared with the buxom females. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 7,750 SERVICE STATION, $3000 will handle, balance may be paid at $65.00 month. Interest free.

You couldn't build this station today for $10,000. Well located in Sisters, Ore. 5,000 SMALL FOUNTAIN LUNCH. Good deal for couple. Net for 1946 was over $6,000.

$27,000 HARDWARE STORE in an excellent location including inventory and fixtures, showing a net of $2,000 per month. $28,500 LOCAL TWO STORY BUILDING in choice down town location, at present occupied by tenants with five year leases, netting owner $285.00 per month. Excellent terms may be arranged. $31,500 down. Could have 2 business rentals on lower floor and 20 room hotel on upper floor.

5,250 SKATING RINK, showing a very good net for investment and time involved. $10,000 LOCAL TAXI BUSINESS showing a very good wishes to retire. 3,000 LOCAL SECOND HAND STORE, netting $4,500 at present. Building 80 x100'. Terms may be arranged.

HAVE 4 OTHER CAFES AND TAVERNS FROM $9,000 TO $17,000. HOMES $10,500 Brand new two bedroom home on Eastside. Has automatic oil heat, dining room and basement. Insulated and very well built. Very substantial loan may be obtained.

8,000 3 Bedroom Home located at 244 Delaware. Has fireplace, dining room and full basement. Will F.H.A. 5,000 -2 Bedroom house, furnished, on East side. 2 fifty foot lots, double garage, beautiful landscaped yard.

4,130 2 Bedroom modern home with 2 lots on West side. Has garage and workshop attached. Reduced from $4500. Will G.I. 7,500 Three bedroom home on West Side.

All rooms are large and newly decorated. Has full basement and double garage. Terms may be arranged. 8,500 House and 5 unit apartment house in an ideal tion 4 blocks from business section. Present rental return $180.00.

This is better than on investment. 9,000 New modern large 2 bedroom home reduced for quick sale. Material and construction are of the best. 2 fifty foot lots located at 908 Greenwood Ave. 7,250 Large 5 bedroom home, basement pipe furnace, beautiful lot with 90 frontage on paved street.

FHA loan may be obtained for $5400. Located at 34 Portland Ave. 5,250 bedroom modern, home on West Side. Excellent condition and years old. 2,850 One bedroom house close to mill, full basement.

Also small cabin on property now being rented. Easy terms. 6,000 2 bedroom modern home with fireplace. 50 frontage. Deep lot with 40' frontage on river.

4,200 East Side duplex, ciose in, good location. Completely furnished. Has rental value of $75 per month. Easy terms. LOTS 2-50' Lots on East Eighth 2-50' lots on East 9th Street 4--50 Lots on Olney between 4th and 5th 6-50 Lots on Roosevelt FARM ACREAGES 8,250 40 acres.

5 room modern house. Close in on Burns Highway. 20 shares of water, crops all in. Machinery and stock go. Excellent terms.

$12,000 80 acres with spacious modern 6 room: home. Has 80 shares of water. Crops all in. Large barn and all equipment goes with place. Terms.

8,800 Modern six room house and bath, double garage, barn, chicken house and stone root cellar. 6 acres of land with five shares of water. Located 3 miles from City Center. RIXE REAL ESTATE Ernie Rixe 114 Oregon Avenue Joe Tilden 321 Congress Room 1 Upstairs 431 S. Third Phone 107-J Phone 28-M Phone 1218-R RED RYDER By Fred Harman OVER- GOLLY: I HOPE SHOT OF DOPE IN THE NOW RED NOW DON'T FORGET TO PUTA WE TELL -UM HEARING NOTICE REMUDA THE BOTTLE'S CARROTS AND 1055'EM THROUGH RYDER! DON'T GOOD DOLLAR'S FULL OF POP A WINDOW INTO THUNDER'S TO PLAN DRUG INSTEAD OF MANGER! RYDERS DOPE! HORSE IN THE DIG LITTLE BEAVER TAKES STEPS.


The Bulletin from Bend, Oregon (2025)


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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.