The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)

THE SELMA PACE 4 '14 T. 4reawm ftranno THE SELMA JOURNAL DUFLEX AVENUE. 1 i 1 I I I IL I 1 1 I-N A rN 111 A uriuraMY: MOIL 'ff); NIEL EDITOR Monday November 8th at 9 A. m. at' EAGLE'S STORE In- celebration of the greet victory of our bo ys over there and the coming of peace we are to offer for this week the greatest values sine war began.

You will miss a wonderful if you don 't take advantage of these gr eat price reductiqns Mnnrinv -1-1of Music 'Noy. Lid 11 Sunday Morning and every afternoon, except 1MME.minenamdftOoMPIO PHONE 1:1,9 4 1 es ,11 4 1 A A 1 11 eel OH 11 COT tr. sPREsEKTS NE SEASON'S SE.NSATIONALA- 5UCCES5 JO. HN, COAT SNSATIONAL rt SPRESETS INS SEASON'S UCCES5 5 -1- A 721E90 Searnless. extra good quality, oft finish worth $2.00, special 02.60 sfo received Misses red Sweaters, worth special 2.50 MONDAY SPECIAL.

soft S1.60. 2- i. 5h0 "7-J1 1 2 International News ServiceFull Leased Wire Report. wfto.00tatonolmonofteramooftowoweamolo.d.E. SUBSCRIPTION RATES.

One Year $7.20 ix' Months 3 00 JI 64 4. Embroidered Cases, real value special per pair 75c hemmed Pifloyv Cases, worth each 25c, 45 Inch Pepperell Pillow Ticking or Casing, worth special per yard 58 Inch 'Mercerized Table Damask, market value 75c, pecial per yard 50e 66 Inch Mercerized Table 41.00, special per yard 69e 72 Irich Extra g'uality Mercerized Table Damask, worth special per -yard Buy Christmas' Handkershiefs' here' now But up In nice fancy boxes 29e to 98e -Per box. 72 Bt lir One Month. 4 IhIFORTANT NOTICE. -From this date The Selma Journal will not use folders or All advertisem*nts must be carried 9,0 Bleached Pep Derail Sheeting, market value 75c, special per yard 69e 36 hest soft' finish Bleaching, 35c value, special, per yard 29c 36 Inch "India Head" 'Market, value 45; special per -yard Ladies- Silk' Dresses at give- away prices.

New Dresses just received, bought by our New York buyer at a sacrifice. Values to special $8.95 7: 6a1u9e pecial New York T.50, 8.95 book by RED DE SILVIO FRIVOLITY 1 A FAST AHD FORMS -4 'lit- 7 1 11 Ji 11 1 'Ai 7.: li.r.....7 il -k IN .6.... -66 '''84' 1:: ii 11- i Pf RFECT rl 1 A 45.: I took by .1 tt MED DE CHORUS 0 0 '1'. SILVIO MEIN iEw .1 1 'ZIf 0 i'( 4 (-- i 1 i I THE BREWERS FURNISHED THE I- MON rtl 4' For a long time there' hikbeln suspicion of taint entertained by the public regarding some newspapers in the United State, of which Alabama I is a very large part, and the evidence' has poll( been brought Out to show that this suspicion waslmore4or les.s 1 wet tikund d. i- The story brought over the ivires 1Tuesday was to the effect that, evidence had been produce0 in WasiiingI I ton to show that the brewers of the United States ha'd furnished -money to the managera an4 operators or Montgomery Advertiser.

I The names of the Trien who sigined i the Fetes the loal that put he deal over were all carried in the news stories of the day. The names of the brewers were giyen and one of, the Chief brewers admitted that he helped in putting tbe Ioan through. I The Advertiser is occupying a most conspicious place just it this time, and it is indeed unfortunate for the popular young men at the 1 head of this great' newspaper that 1 such a calamity should have befallen them. I st: 1 AMERICA, TO FEED THE WORLD; I America is going to feed the World. Food stuffs is being rushed across the ocean in great ships as fast as men can.lomi and steam can carry the ships.

Any approach to famine will be prevented by this -movenment on the part of the United States. These ships are to lan4 at points to be designated by Mr. Hoover who has complete control of these movements. Holland is to get It good part of the food already gone forward, while the Scandanavian coun-. in the regular advertising columns at the regular price.

0 Aie 20 Per cent scount on any Ladies. Suit in the house. the 32 Inch Wool serge, all )411 special p'er yd 78e 32 gerge, all 78e No THIS WILL BE THE LONGEST PEACE CONFERENCE. '4 Anybody who is lucky enough or Unlucky enoughto have a seat in the peace conference will have a job on his hands. It will probably be thfitt longest session of the sort in history.

MIMM1 I CHANCERY1 NOTICE. A Georgeous Gathering- Of Golden 09wP and Light Lingerie Most Attractively PRICES and $2.00. SEATS: ON SALE SATURDAY 10 'A. M. SPECIAL' A'LIGkiEliTED FLO, 00, ar'I'd $2.00.

SATURDAY 10 'A. M. FLO, 4-. A- Glittering. Georgeous Gathering of Golden pG9WP and Light.

Lacy Alluring Lingerie Most NOTICE. The State of County In the Circuit Court' of Dallas County. In Equity. In Equity. Circuit Coirt-of Dallas CoUnif, batna, in equity, their joint petition in writing praying that the said Jake Merriman be relieved from the disabilities of non B.

Evans, Register. Ala- petition Jake he dis- ns, State of AAlabama, Dallas Colinty. Notice is hereby given that on the 25th day, of 1918, Jake Merriman, a minor, and S. J. Hunter' bis legal guardian filed in the ,..0.

-1-! 93 1 ff. 7., f-1 7777 577" -7 '77-16 r' A 141' It e.t,,Z- rt 1 I 11 3 -WOOLSEY'S SONS FIRE INSURANCE, AGENTS 4 Represent The Great Northern Fire Association Philadelphia trong as the Strongest. I 004-1st fluor South Water Street Phone 94 I -WOOLSEY'S SONS" FIRE INSURANCE, AGENTS Represent Thom 1 7 A atei Street 1101IC 7'T. k4 i 4 -411 -) 17, tutt I 44144- 1 R. N.

Fox Ivs. Sarah A. Fox. IIt appearing to the Court by afrhe affidavit of A. M.

Pitts, Solidi-I tor for complainant that the place of residence of theo said Sarah Fox is unknown and that she is over the age of twenty-one years: On motion of complainapt it is ordered by tile Court that publication be made once in each week for four consecutive weeks in The Selma a newspaper published in Dallas County, Alabama, requiring saict defendant to appear and; answer plead or demur to the bill pf complint in said cause on or Spfore the 21st day orDecember, 1918 else at the expiration of thirty 'days said bill of complaint may be taken and held as conlessed against her A true extract from the minutes: J. B. Evans. Register. Nov.

19 1yw4w. pee. 18. 1 It is a considerable task to settle the affairs of two nations that have been fighting a comparatively small war over a comparatively simple ter, as the Spanish American and Russo-Japanese conferences attest. What may we expect, then, when it comes to winding up the greatest and most -complex of all wars? I Almost the whole map of Europe has to be readjusted.

The affairs pf nearly a score of belligerents have to be adjusted and harmonized. The status of several nations has to be International law to be largely rewritten. Some sort of world-federation has to be worked out. The question- of military armament must be decided. There will be baffling economic problems to deal with.

We might say that the whole world will have to be put in order. I It will be the most important council of men that ever assembled. It will have the most work to do and the hardest work: It will probably do well if it completes a rough sketch of a settlement in less than a year. 0 THANKIGIVING 1918. Thanksgiving comes this year as a day of great thanksgiving and rejoicing in reality.

In this city the people are expected to gather in some one of the churches ipie and songs to Him who has delivered thl I Better Light 4 RPt Pr 1 Thb -Farm. Pric l'w, tries will be cared for. While a dist trcsse4 condition rep9rted fr2la Germany these reports are n9t given general credence and will likely be thorolghly investigated before relief is sent into that empire. Report is there is plenty of grain in Germany if properly divided out until the big German steamers now interned can be and sent either United States or to, Argentine. At any rate this country is looking after the needs of the world today when it comes to feed stuffs.

NIOU want trio light on 'yourfarrn. But yodwant no experi nc I Its light is bright, steadyabsolutely Let Us bring La to your farm for a free demonstration. Call for the owners' s. numainnimimarlitimmupswilluilOmmunautalinzulignmarallarra FINANCIAL' STRONGHOLD. IILIPI1INEIRTZIgliglitnillii111111111grA )NGHOLD.

1 s. merit. Lalley-Light has -been in farm use -Deen in farm use testimonial book. Strength and Stability-- and resources. Luc! exemplified, in our ample capital for seven years.

It has proved itself better; low-cost to run; simple; safe and clean, aA0.6 1 I WA It has proved itself better; to run; simple. and clean', 0 The British government is planning'for 'every soldier returning from the war to have a That will mean a mighty busy British empire in the future. If some of them who did not work before the war, nor during the war, nor since the war, are put to work there migh be andtheewir the eMpire betior Lloyd-George knows' what is coming to pass. 141 0-- Shop 'early and avoid the rush. esponsl an4gement---- assured through broad experience of our Qfficers end )E our Qfficers and Absolute Protection Directors.

B1 Directors. 1 NAL BANK 1 BANK .1, 1 4: is .1 II 7iail olloilm- tin 1' i lr 27 1 I rg. ,14 Inches wicio ''x'-' .10) .1 1. inches high '''t. SWITCH LALLEV STARTS LIGHT A IT 7, o.

guarapteeck by our operation under direct Grernment 1r direct Gyvernment super. world frop. -threatened it in great disaster, the event ihe, Industrial 'The', Thanksgiving pay dawn will be in some respects the 1 greatest Thanksgiving in the history of Anierica. 'The war may or may nt be pm by "then, but recent events have dicated the ultimate end SO clearly I and unmistakably and have brought such overwhelming evidence to show that the hofrible nightmare will soon be over, that the people of America are in state in which radiant joy. and gratitude are intermingled.

gi 4 11411Abg i 411 ,141 yle Wry of America "The war may or may not be PT, by then, but recent events have dicated the ultimate end S9 clearly I and unmistakably and have brought such overwhelming evidence to show that the horrible nightmare will soon be over, that the people of America are in a state in which radjant joy and gratitude are intermingled. vision and controL are the factors which trolt make this Instittition, a veritable 1 this InstitUtion, a veritable 1 'These MORTGAGE Default having been ti ade in the payment of the debts eocured mortgages executed by Diana Haralson et als to Eugene'Robbins and Dunham, said mortgages being recorded In Book 21 on page 468 and in Book 253 on page 145, in the Probate Office of Dallas County, Alabama, the undersigned as transferee of said mortgages, will sell up, der the power of sale therein, in front of the Court Muse door of Dallas Alabama, to the I highest bidder for cash, within the legal hours of sale, on Wednesday, November 27th, 1918, the therein described as follows: The north half of lot 6 as shown by a map made by William Wallace, being a part of out lot 36 of the ori- ginal plan of Senna, said lot front- EA'ing 65 feet on south margin of Water Street and extending hack south- wardiy that Uniform width 92 and 1-2 feet, being more particularly de- scribed in said mortgages. Said sale will be made for the purpose of collecting the debts se- 0 cured by said mortgages. J. E.

WILKINSON, 1 Nov. 7, 1w33. as Transferree. Shop early ail(' get the pick of pretty things. Shop early and re 1 lieve the tired clerks of unnecessary I labor.

Shop early and show the patriotic spirit Shop early if you've got the cash. .0 Selma merchants are getting ready for a great Christmas trade. Wares are being displayed and printers ink being freely used to tell the months ago, our very souls pie of the attractions and induce-were being tried. The earth was in 1 ments to be offered. i travail.

It looked'as if civilization 0 1 financial stronghold for clepoiitors. We cordially invite new accounts. THE kLICiAn NATIONAL financial stronghold for depoiltors. We cordially invite new accounts. THE SELNIA NATIONAL IjL'OcH 113ROS.

-3 Selma Alabama. nas Selma Alabama. 1ftm.mmw0ap.00.s.0,, 111 ONION iflON 1111 111 itself might The fro mtheearth, and brute, bloody force pre: vail over right and justice," it was the dark hourthe darkest hour of allthat comes before ---0 BRITISH CASUALTIES. The casualties of the British in the war which is just now coming 1 a a Gray, 01:111:.:,.,. uray 111 Gray The stple democratic committee kwill meet in Birmingham Friday and 111; lay plans for the next campaign in the state.

The state of Alabama Ft will remain in the democratic column, LI regardless of all things else. I iti 1 0 The new government of Germany is improving some, says a news- 1 paper headline. That's not so bad. It should improve a great deal, however, and still be far behind what it Pi 1 1 1 4 1 1 17:5 Jeweler 1 1 1 SELMA jg 11 1 to a close nave teen teartul. 'mere was.criticism of the part the British were playing at the beginning of the 1 DON'T FORGET war, but now it shows the British probably the heaviest losers, excepting Germany, in the great struggle.

il 1 1004 SELMA AVENUE. I U. THE OUT-OF-WAY 'STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY. ki BRACELET WATCHES, RINGS. w-- We have just purchased a complete stock of Jewelry and Witch'et, and invite the public to inspect Our new line and 0:: compare our 'prices with THERE'S A REASON.

I fl THE OUT STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY. ill I -John ray 1li 's 1004' SELMA 'AVENUE 4 Al i I MONEY. 14 ENUE. -SAVES YOU MONEY. AMEO, Manufacturers of Pitcher Spout Pun.

Our foundry is equipped to 'all kinds of castings and out machine shop is equipped for all kinds of machine work; boiler shop equipped for all ti- boiler work with competent men in charge. a I Full line of Mill supplies, 'quick shippers'. Second hand machinery, repaired and put in fine running condition for quick .11 I Manufacturers of Pi tcher Spout Pumps. i Family Wa'shing mignt oe. 0 Count Hohenzollern is now trying to make arrangements, it is said, to, go back to Germany and start something.

The quicker he is "disposed of" the better it will be for the world. 0 I One lonesome republican was elected a member of the Alabama House of Representatives in the reguIlar election the first Tuesday in November. Figures made public Tuesday say that the casualties British reached 8,049,991. That is a terrible price for liberty, but it was to save the life of the British nation that the men gave their lives. Germany casualties today are announced by the Varwerts, in Berlin, as 6,3201000.

Rough Dry t' PHONE ,,369 Central City Laundry 7., I Ar.00.,11w.oge9r7,"4" 7 0.,....., rMV, 401.4.4.4abioWhileWNA4 -k 1, 0 40. I o. 0 IWhen Unc la, Sam turns out all the i enlisted men and the fat payrolls'are cut off, there is going to be a scramble for jobs such, as was never known in this country. 1, CI I 137 1-2 acres of 'sandy loan land on Marion Junction road 2 1-2 Iniles of hog fencing, 16 miles of barbed wire. Fences adl in fairly good condition.

Two houses, Marge Sheds and stable, 4 head of males, 1 horse wagons, gearing, farming ini horse, wagons, gearing; farming HE WILL GO. President Wilson has definitely decided to cross the waters and a t. tend the peace conference. His presence, it claimed, will have a good effect in bringing about 'a policy that will conform with his ideas of a world-wide peace. The country will join in the universal hope that no mishap will befall him while away, and that he will be able to impress the delegates with the great necessity of carrying out his ideas as already expressed.

---0 They say the pis counter artists of Alabama belonging to the republican party have already begun to plan how they tilt divide the patronage of the state when a republican president is elected. That is counting 1 1 1 1 1 MAKE IT A GIFT FROM HEART NOT -JUST CONTRIBUTION. Even if a glorious and victorious peace is certain and at hand, MUCH BE DONE BY THE There is greater need than ever, with the prospect of inactivity' amongst our troops, for the great War Work Organizatipns; and they must not be hampered-by lack suppott. In no other way than', through their servkes, can our boys be kept up tc), that ,1 high standard of morale that has made them admired, thewoId oven i Don't even discuss subscribing, except t('), 'word of 4. couragenient to the committees and SHOWTHEM A.T 0 U-- A GLAD TO GIVE PEOPLES BANK TRUST COMPANY.

A' I A I 1111114:2.111 1111, IL 8 Al $15.00 AN ACRE WILL BUY. A nice improved 340 acre farm on pubfic road within three miles of Burnsville. Fine country home dwelling and other improvements. 2,400 'acre plantation within 3-4 miles Lamison (Wilcox county) will make good stock farm. Cheap at an 'acre.

i I. I ey 71 Ir It It- 11-4 Built by Good Strong Company Kentucky Wagon Company (Old Hickory) Prompt Delivery and ESLER AUTOMOBILE COMPANY EMIR AU MOBILE COMPANY. SEE 4 I I i I 4 1 1 1 iniplements and machinery. For Sale IN Cheap For particulars call or write to W. S.

Hale, it Route 2 Selma, Ala. 1 Secor, Ala.v K-I'lc" chickens a long time before they I Turn of! at 5 1-3 tulle post' on 1 chickens a long time before they I Turn of! at 5 1-3 mile post- on 1 al Southern at Hotel a Ltch Marion Junction road. 'it 1 I 11-11 all 111 a Ai is Ill a 411.31.11111,3111kAtilarzlirad i I 4, i A I.

The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.