The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)

JOURNAL, SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 1974 Times-JournalEDITORIALS and COMMENT This portion of the paper contains opinions and comments. Editorials in the lefthand column express viewpoints of the writer, Local editorials are signed. Other items which appear are expressions of those whose name appears and may, or may not, reflect the opinions of -Journal editors. Comments on subjects of general public interest. given, and conform to published standards limiting length to 300 words, ter from an individual will be published during a calendar month.

THE Circulation gains noted The Selma Times-Journal was delivered Thursday to every home in Marion. It's a part of our plan to become a local and regional newspaper. Our circulation growth has been pleasing and we want to serve the entire area. We have other plans for the people in Marion and other cities in our circulation area. We have a growing newspaper and we want to serve.

New subscribers are welcomed daily and we are proud of that fact. The Times-Journal has served Marion for many years. Our goal is to serve every resident of Marion, as well as every citizen of Selma and all, other cities in our area. BRUCE MORRISON Mr. Nixon and the beagle pack By CHARLES BARTLETT WASHINGTON The press will have to deal at some point with a charge of conspiracy, the quickening drumbeat of accusations that it is part of an unholy alliance to drive President Nixon out of office.

An illusive notion that Mr. Nixon's troubles stem in large part from the excesses of a vindictive press is being fostered as the last refuge of the loyal minority that clings to its belief in him. Loyalist letters pouring down upon the Hill tend more and more to assert that the press is aligned with a radical cabal to purge the government of its responsible elements. The tone of this mail is characterized by two letters to Rep. John Anderson chairman of the House Republican Conference, who recently urged that the President resign.

"So you had to join the mob in calling for the President's resignation," wrote a man in Salinas, Cal. "What would be gained if he should resign? The news media would drop him and crucify Mr. Ford. Then what would you do desert the ship again?" The running thread through much of this mail is an idea that the media has become a regicidal force committed to cutting down leaders as they arise. "Surely," wrote a lady in mid-Manhattan, "freedom of the press is due for a new interpretation by Congress so that our Constitution is not sacrificed to sources, half-truths and hatred." The necessity of the Washington media to focus in unison on what it perceives to be the big story leaves it vulnerable to the conspiracy charge.

The late Stewart Alsop, a cool head with a splendid gift for looking quizzically at the heated world in which he worked, once compared Washington reporters to beagles scurrying in packs, "always ready to follow uncritically any other beagle who claims to have smelled a In terms of the Alsop analogy, today's beagle-reporters are on a very hot scent, giving loud tongue as they race excitedly after elusive fragments of truth. While the truth is the real pursuit of most of the beagle-reporters, the atmosphere of the hunt makes it seem more and more that they are after the President. The steady decline of Mr. Nixon's credibility makes the beagles look like wolves. Letters To Editor Dear Sir: I was both amazed and shocked when I opened yesterday's edition of the Selma Times-Journal and saw displayed on the front page a very unflattering picture of Gov.

George Wallace with the accompanying scurrilous remarks, in bold type, of the pygmy journalist, Tom Tiede. I use the term "pygmy" advisedly, because a full man intellectually would not stoop to such a display of pygmy intellect. To come to the capital of a sovereign state and attack the governor by interviewing and quoting the alleged remarks of an ememy legislator, without having the intestinal fortitude to give his name, is stooping to the depths of journalistic scurrility; and front-page display of such scurrility paints you with the same brush. Tiede, no doubt, could have interviewed many friends of Governor Wallace in the Legislature, as well as in many other walks of life but this would not have served his purpose. In the heat of a political campaign, it is understandable that such bare-faced lies and scurrilous remarks as displayed on the front page of your paper, might be bandied about.

But now that the election is over and the people of Alabama have spoken in unmistakable terms, it is vain to continue the mud-slinging. To do so can only fill every right-thinking person of integrity with disgust. Walter Clement Rt. 2, Box 220 Selma, Ala. The Selma Times-Journal Subscription by carrier $2.55 per month including tax.

Subscription rate by mail $24 per year or $12 for six months. Less than six months ABC, $2 875-2110. per month. Office All hours mail 8 a.m. subscriptions to 5 p.m.

payable Monday in advance. Telephone Friday. Closed Saturday and Sunday. Frank Ford, Chairman of the Board. BRUCE MORRISON President and Publisher PAUL DAVIS.

Editor HENRY LLOYD Business Manager ROLAND ELLISON Mechanical Superintendent DAVID WHEELER Advertising Director MARY FITTS Classified Adv. Manager WILSON KOEPPEL. Circulation Director STAN VOIT Associate Editor Published daily except Saturday by Selma Newspapers. 1018 Water Avenue. Selma, Alabama 36701.

Entered at post office in Selma, Ala. as second class mail matter. Second class postage paid at Selma, Ala. The Prayer, For Today They that wait upon the Lord. shall mount up with wings as eagles.

(Isaiah 40:31) PRAYER: By Thy spirit, God, lift us above ourselves that we may serve Thee in the fulness of Thy will for our lives. Amen. CAPPS TRAILER SALES Drug workshop success from readers are accepted. All letters must be signed, home address be in good taste and reason. As a general rule, no more than one letEDITORS.

BERRY'S WORLD 1974- by NEA, Inc. "Have you ever considered that maybe you're unhappy because you're wallowing in Watergate?" WASHINGTONE By JACK ANDERSON WASHINGTON At the forthcoming impeachment hearings, the case against President Nixon be based largely upon the work of the FBI, which uncovered 90 per cent of the Watergate conspiracy. This will be awkward for the President who has always championed the FBI. After he graduated from Duke University, he even tried to become an FBI agent. Those who favor impeachment consider it good strategy, therefore, to stress their reliance upon the FBI.

Contrary to the public impression, it wasn't investigative reporters but FBI agents who dug out most of the Watergate facts. The White House tried to head off the FBI investigation by obstructing the agents, throwing out false leads and crying national security. At White House instigation, former CIA director Richard Helms and deputy director Vernon Walters asked the FBI to lay off sensitive Watergate matters, falsely claiming it would jeopardize CIA operations. But the FBI pressed doggedly ahead. Early in 1973, the top FBI brass checked upon the investigation to make sure it was being handled properly.

Robert E. Gebhardt, who headed the General Investigative Division, reported back confidentially to Associate Director W. Mark Felt on Feb. 23, 1973: "The handling of the Watergate investigation from the headquarters level through the field operation level was done in accordance with procedures, both administrative and investigative, that are customarily employed in any major investigative effort by the FBI. "Among cases handled in the recent past in which similar procedures were followed are: the assassination of Martin Luther King; Capitol bombing, March 1, 1971; and major kidnapping cases such as the Barbara Jane Mackle case." Most of the agents who developed the Watergate case, meanwhile, are still doing the sleuthing for the special prosecutors.

DEATHBED PROMISE: Friends who are close to the human Richard Nixon tell us he faithfully kept a promise he made to Dwight Eisenhower on the late President's deathbed. Two days before Ike died, President Nixon paid his last visit to the old general at Washington's Walter Reed Army Hospital. "Dick," said the dying Eisenhower, "there's one thing I want you to promise me. I want you to be as good to Lyndon Johnson as he has been to me." Nixon gave his word. Our sources he squelched moves by his subordinates to hunt for scandals in the Johnson administration and use them to embarrass the Democrats in the 1970 and 1972 elections.

"Would you go after Johnson?" he would ask. If he thought the revelations might hurt Johnson personally, Nixon would say no. When Johnson died on Jan. 22, 1973, President Nixon ordered his full Cabinet to attend special services. "Earlier today," directed a January 23 memo to all Cabinet members, "your office was contacted with the request from the President that you attend the Rotunda services for former President Johnson EPIDEMIC OF PILLS: The federal crackdown on heroin apparently has caused America's drug users to turn to pills and powders meant for medical purposes.

This is the import of new figures submited to Capitol Hill by the Customs Service. The figures are based on Customs seizures, which often reflect the American drug scene more accurately than do drug arrests and convictions. The new figures show that through April, heroin seizures have declined almost 68 per cent during fiscal 1974, compared with the same period a year ago. Opium confiscation is down 83 per cent. Yet during the same period, the seizures of barbiturates, pep pills and other medical drugs have increased a staggering 371 per cent.

U.S. drug companies, large and small, must report drug sales to the federal government. To get around this, the drug companies simply are shipping the pills out of the country to foreign wholesalers whose sales aren't subject to U.S. inspection. These wholesalers ship the drugs to smugglers below the border or in the West Indies, who bring them clandestinely back into the United States in crate-size lots.

Footnote: The ethical pharmaceutical industry insists it can't control what foreign wholesalers do with the drugs. The U.S. companies, however, ship huge amounts of drugs out of the country, knowing the amounts far exceed the needs for medicinal purposes. BASH FOR BIBLE: Interior Secretary Rogers Morton threw a bash the other night for retiring Sen. Alan Bible, and Rep.

Julia Butler Hansen, at the stately Arlington House. Outdoor torch lighting, wooden steps to the patio and other frills were installed at the taxpayers' expense. For the Arlington House, a Virginia estate, is run by the National Parks Service. Food and liquor for the 100 guests was paid from a special Parks Service "discretionary fund," from souvenir sales. The fund has been set aside for promotion, entertainment and the like.

An official spokesman said Morton's extravaganza cost $2,000. An unofficial source said it was closer to $18,000. By MAE MAE ANGLE Times-Journal Writer The first workshop on drugs and alcohol for this threecounty area featured concrete ideas on how to proceed in bringing the problems home to the community. With over 150 invitations issued, there was slight disappointment with the attendance, although during the two days of various sessions approximately 80 persons representing 40 agencies attended. Intended as a broad scope in educating an interested public, it certainly could be termed a success.

Those persons attending were a select group. Most were there because they are vitally interested in seeing that this An analysis New library director to help relo in relocation By NIKKI DAVIS MAUTE Times-Journal City Editor The new assistant director at Carnegie Library, has worked on two building programs organizing moves into new facilities at Troy State and the University of Alabama. And Carnegie officials say they are fortunate to have the services of Mary 1 Hudson as they anticipate moving into a new building in the municipal complex. A Selma native, Mrs. Hudson graduated from Jacksonville State and received a Masters degree in Library Education at Auburn University and a Masters degree at the University of Alabama in Library Science.

"We are very fortunate to have the services of Mrs. Hudson. She is a professional librarian with excellent experience," Mrs. Pat Blalock, director, said in announcing the appointment of Mrs. Hudson.

Mrs. Hudson worked at Carnegie during summers in high school and on holidays. "It's like coming home for mine, she library said. also holds special memories for Mrs. Hudson as it was in the library that she met her husband Vaughan, who is an English instructor at George Wallace Community College.

The Hudsons returned to Selma three years ago and Mrs. Hudson was librarian at Southside School before joining the Carnegie staff. One of the areas Mrs. Hudson will concentrate on is the bookmobile. "We will be able to offer better service to the county residents once we start the bookmobile program which we will do when we move into the new building.

We are cramped here and we have no room to set up the system," Mrs. Hudson said. Mrs. Hudson and Mrs. Blalock are formulating plans now for the eventual move.

Mrs. Blalock said the two building programs in which Mrs. Hudson participated will be of great help to the local staff. feel particularly gratified by Mrs. Hudson's MRS.

MARY HUDSON appointment because it shows native, one familiar with the how much we have grown," town, would be involved with she said. the library. Mrs. Blalock also said she The Hudsons have a was pleased that a Selma daughter, Mary Martha, 8. history By The Associated Press Today is Sunday, June 16, the 167th day of 1974.

There are 198 days left in the year. Today's highlight in history: On this date in 1963, the world's first woman space traveler, Valentina Tereshkova, was launched into orbit from a base in the Soviet Union. On this date: In 1774, the first settlement in Kentucky, Harrodsburg, was founded. In 1858, Abraham Lincoln, speaking in Springfield, on the slavery issue, said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand." In 1897, the Alaska gold rush began with news of a rich strike on Bonanza Creek. In 1920, the League of Nations held its first public meeting at James's Palace in London.

In 1940, the French Maginot ine was abandoned to the Germans in World War II. community does everything possible to help alleviate the urgency of the drug and alcohol problem. Although many of the participants were there because of the extended In 1960, President Dwight Eisenhower canceled a visit to Japan after anti-American rioting. Ten years ago: Premier Souvanna Phouma of Laos charged that proCommunists had opened a full offensive in his country, helped by the North Vietnamese: Five years ago: The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Congress was without authority to bar U.S.

Rep. Adam Clayton Powell from his seat because of charges against him. One year ago: Soviet Communist Party Leader Leonid Brezhnev arrived in the United States for a nine-day visit to promote cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union. Thought for today: The most advanced nations are always those who navigate the most- Ralph Waldo Emerson, American writer, 1803-1882. by Bernice Bede ol For Sunday, June 16, 1974 For Monday, June 17, 1974 ARIES (March 21-April 19) You will derive some sort of material profit through a member of your family who wants to do something nice for you.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) You're in a cycle where your determination is equal to any challenge you may be faced with. A good time to push selfinterests. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) One you have known for a long time is thinking about taking you into his confidence. It's in regard to a matter that could prove financially rewarding. CANCER (June 21-July 22) A good, old-fashioned talkfest with a close pal will uncover some solutions for you that will be helpful this week.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22) You're much admired by one who is saying lots of nice things about you to others. You'll be quite flattered when you learn their identity. VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22) Select companions whose thinking and interests closely parallel yours. Those who don't share similar views will make you uncomfortable. LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 23) You can provide the missing insights today that will be extremely helpful to one close to you who can't find her own answers.

SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22) In a close personal relation- CUE A USED FURNITURE CAPPS FURNITURE Highway 80 1. 872-1380 invitations, some came as a result of publicity simply because they were interested. These persons, those who stayed through most of the sessions, will probably form a spin-off group when an executive committee is established. They are the ones who are interested enough to give up their time to learn more about the problem. It is conceivable that a daytime schedule could have cut down on attendance.

Professionals, or just interested parties, could not take time off from work. All sessions during the workshop Tuesday and Wednesday at the neighborhood facility in Selma were in the morning and afternoon. This drawback was brought out in the open discussion summing up the conference. The general concensus was that small groups, discussion or lecture type, should be set up, all under the guidance of a central coordination committee. The committee would have the knowledge of resources (speakers, visual aids, etc.) that would be available and coordinate programs given at schools, club meetings or professional group meetings.

Although there was opposition to bringing in professionals from other places, they added to the general store of knowledge. The Birmingham representative of United Narcotics Detail Operation (UNDO), Leonard Gavin was able to show how elusive a large-scale drug operation can be. This organization goes for the big pushers. They do not handle the school-boy pusher who's making. spending money.

His is a complicated, undercover, expensive operation (at presently federally funded) which covers a -county area. The Selma area does not consider itself in that kind of category. And it isn't. But this area did have six drug-relat-: ed deaths last year. Invaluable were Gavin's remarks pinpointing steps to take: "Since we are living in a drug culture we have the educational problem of teaching use and abuse of drugs.

"There is no such thing as a state dangerous drug control agency, for it all boils down to local drug, control. The community can help by pressuring officials to put: more money in proven reform programs," he said. Mental Health Services, serving Dallas, Wilcox and Perry counties, is making a start in the right direction. Dr. Clyde Walker, director, has been given approval to arrange a coordinating agency.

The efforts of Walker, Mrs. Kay Whaley, workshop director, and all local experts participating in the program will hopefully have -reaching results as an efficient means of handling the overall problems of drug and alcohol. INFANTS CHILDREN'S Gift Ideas at DOWNTOWN IN THE MALL ship, yours is the steadiest hand on the helm. Remember that if decisions are called for. SAGGITARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21) Today won't be devoted to all fun and games.

There's a business matter that needs some discussion and reflection. CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19) Conditions are shifting bit. The result -will be a strenghtening of a bond that is very vital to you. AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 19) You won't enjoy just resting on your laurels around the house today. Instead you're likely to mend something that needs fixing.

PISCES (Feb 20-March 20) You're quite communicative, but not for idle chatter. Associate yourself with individuals you feel can teach you something valuable. your birthday June 16, 1974 This year you will begin to reap the rewards from two projects that appeared to be dead issues. Don't quit at the halfway mark on things you've begun. ARIES (March 21-April 19) will shore up your Happenings, foundations.

You will also be fortunate in your business dealings. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Today you could charm your way through anything that confronts you. Others will be responsive to your dictates and suggestions. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20) Much will be gained through patience and persistence. It's to your advantage to let things develop at their natural speed.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) Group involvements will afford you a great amount of pleasure today. Surround yourself with those whose company you enjoy. LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Credit is coming your way regarding an achievement you've been instrumental in bringing about. There's a bonus attached. VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22) A practical idea you're.

now hatching has merit. sit on it. See if you can find a way to use it for your benefit. LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 23) You tend to gain in a secret manner today through one with whom you share a strong emotional bond. SCORPIO (Oct.

24-Nov 22) You'll have no difficulty in getting the cooperation from others that you need at this time. Just phrase your request pleasantly. SELMA Electrical Supply Inc. Phone 205 872-6238 211 Race St. Authorized Distributor General Electrie PIZZA HUT FAMILY MIGHT LaW A Wed.

Every Night PIZZAS: Small 1.50, Med. 2.00, Large 3.00, Spaghetti Cavatini 1.79 Hwy. 80W 872-4050 SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21) Something you'll be working on will give you a great sense of satisfaction when it's finished. This will be a labor of love. CAPRICORN (Dec 19) Cupid is treating you very special where matters of the heart are concerned.

One you Jike is quite smitten. AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 19) This is a good day to invite others to share the hospitality of your home. You'll sparkle as a host or hostess. PISCES (Feb 20-March 20) You're going to be the recipient of some news that should please you a great deal. It relates to something of a material nature.

your birthday June 17, 1974 You'll enter. into a confidential alliance year that will have rewards for both parties involved. Also, aid from others will come easier. PANTS CIRCUS Pants Shirts Belts Selma Mall 874-9396.

The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.